Survey Reports: Global Logistics Costs Set to Rise

A survey conducted by Transport Intelligence, has found reason to believe that ecommerce logistics are set to see a price increase due to higher premium deliveries, cost of labor, and volumes of returns. According to Global Trade Magazine, Transport Intelligence found additional threats to the logistics ecommerce operations to include competition from companies such as Alibaba and Amazon, as well as same-day delivery expectations. How this will have an effect on logistics staffing in the future, is yet to be seen.

  • 108 global retailers and logistics companies participated in the survey.
  • Cost and speed of delivery were two of the most dominant issues, the survey notes.
  • The article reports that logistics companies surveyed considered alternative delivery networks as their main priority to servicing consumers.

“The ecommerce logistics sector faces multiple challenges as shippers and logistics companies struggle to come to terms with an ever-changing market environment,” Transport Intelligence analyst Violeta Keckarovska, said.